Marleny Imbachi

Weight :
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Impressions: stewed plums, black tea, caramel, vanilla
Roast degree: light (2.5/5)

Country: Colombia
Location: Kennedy, San Agustin, Huila
Variety: Colombia Rosado* 
Process: washed
Farmers: Marleny Imbachi
Partner importer: Semilla Coffee

*We almost called this coffee Pink Bourbon. It sounds great, and sells well. But apparently, there is no such thing. What the coffee industry refers to as pink bourbon is in fact an Ethiopian landrace varietal, or heirloom, that was probably brought to Colombia to enrich the genetic coffee pool.
What is kind of funny is that this landrace if often found genetically mixed with some real bourbon varieties. You can also find it mixed with catimor, bringing a completely different profile to the cup due to it being a hybrid between arabica and canephora, and you can also find the pure ''pink bourbon'', aka the landrace from Ethiopia.

Marleny and her husband Augusto Ortega are life-long coffee producers, founding members of the Monkaaba group, and veritable pillars in the San Agustin coffee growing community.
Monkaaba is a farmer led initiative based in San Agustin, Huila, and has been working hard to gain access to the specialty coffee market. The group's main focus is to connect buyers to new, more favourable markets that give farmers more autonomy, and money.

 This ''pink bourbon'' brings a lot to the table.
The process by Marleny is immaculate. Cherries are collected every twenty days and left to ferment for 15 hours before being depulped.
The depulped seeds are then left to ferment for 60 hours in a tile tank, before being dried in a raised dryer for 18-20 days.

This brings us a delicious and balanced coffee. We developed the coffee a touch more to bring forward the amazing mouthfeel.
The coffee reminded us of stewed plums and caramel with hints of vanilla. The long lingering finish was reminiscent of black tea, and has the coffee cools, a beautiful grapefruit acidity starts giving the coffee all its harmony.

Method Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 18 g 2.4:1 32-36 sec
Espresso with milk 18g 2.1:1 36-40 sec
Americano 18 g 2.5:1 32-36 sec


23 g 17:1 3:30-4:00 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 16.5:1 5:00-5:30 min

 French Press

18-25 g 16:1

3:30 min steep time

Farmer: Marleny Imbachi
Importer: Semilla

Price we paid for the landed coffee: 17CAD/kg
FOB price: 10,76CAD/kg
Farmgate price: 2,900,000 pesos per carga, which was 45% more than the local market price of 2,000,000.

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